Each guest can take advantage of additional services during their stay at the Ułańska Zagroda. As a result, there is something for every guest.
Enjoy a range of activities during your stay. Cycling and hiking trips or walks are among the many options for staying active.
At the Ułańska Zagroda you will find space to relax. Sauna, massages and daily gymnastics, all under the guidance of specialists.
During your stay at the camp, take advantage of services that improve your health and increase the effectiveness of Dr Dabrowski's diet.
Take advantage of transport to and from the Ułańska Zagroda. Contact us for details before you arrive.
Bonfires are organised during the stay. This is a great opportunity to integrate and have fun.
The Ułańska Zagroda has a private beach. During the summer months, it is a great place for sunbathing or relaxing by the lake.
A number of rooms are available for guests to meet and chat.